For 6 days, Techsylvania: Beyond Border will gather like-minded people from all across the world. It’s our pleasure to invite bright minds to promote what the local ecosystem has to offer—great knowledge, great people and valuable resources.

Over 20 companies and NGOs join us in creating Satellite Events to help newcomers discover the Techsylvania community in new and exciting ways: meetups, webinars, workshops, online parties and more!


new people, make new friend


career & business opportunities


some of the most prolific companies in the city


good food, good mood, good swag

Prețul corect pentru software… și vin

An open discussion about finding the optimum price of software and services, for entrepreneurs and managers in software companies.
Enjoy a good wine in a relaxed, after-hours setting.
First 20 participants to register will be part of a wine tasting experiment and contest during the event.

Prețul corect pentru software… și vin

An open discussion about finding the optimum price of software and services, for entrepreneurs and managers in software companies.
Enjoy a good wine in a relaxed, after-hours setting.
First 20 participants to register will be part of a wine tasting experiment and contest during the event.

University Healthcare Innovation in the pandemic

The pandemic was a catalyst for innovation, including in healthcare. We invited relevant people that initiated activities and people that benefited from the activities to provide us their insights and future plans. Join us to meet and learn from them!

University Healthcare Innovation in the pandemic

The pandemic was a catalyst for innovation, including in healthcare. We invited relevant people that initiated activities and people that benefited from the activities to provide us their insights and future plans. Join us to meet and learn from them!

Local startup – global ambition 

The Romania healthcare ecosystem begins to be visible at international level through representatives gaining international funding and recognition. We are summarizing the opportunities available in 2022 – 2023 from EIT Health and we will listen to the insights from fast scaling startups. 

Local startup – global ambition 

The Romania healthcare ecosystem begins to be visible at international level through representatives gaining international funding and recognition. We are summarizing the opportunities available in 2022 – 2023 from EIT Health and we will listen to the insights from fast scaling startups. 

EU funds, crowdfunding & the future of financing

This year the first resilience calls come out & new granting opportunities are created under the 2021 – 2027 multiannual financial period. We will discuss the main available funding lines (including future calls) for innovative products, including social innovations. We aim to explain also how you can combine granting with crowdfunding or how you can develop a crowdfunding campaign for a social or creative product.

EU funds, crowdfunding & the future of financing

This year the first resilience calls come out & new granting opportunities are created under the 2021 – 2027 multiannual financial period. We will discuss the main available funding lines (including future calls) for innovative products, including social innovations. We aim to explain also how you can combine granting with crowdfunding or how you can develop a crowdfunding campaign for a social or creative product.

#defineStories – Engage.Empower.Entrepreneurs

 Sometimes we have to fail so that we can win. Entrepreneurship gives us the freedom to realize our potential, to grow and to be creative. To have an impact in the community, to make a change and construct our business we need to connect with people so that we can empower the innovative ideas that make our life easier. This edition of #definestories is tailored to create an enriching experience and to engage a nice networking evening between people who stand out with their initiatives and experienced entrepreneurs.

#defineStories – Engage.Empower.Entrepreneurs

 Sometimes we have to fail so that we can win. Entrepreneurship gives us the freedom to realize our potential, to grow and to be creative. To have an impact in the community, to make a change and construct our business we need to connect with people so that we can empower the innovative ideas that make our life easier. This edition of #definestories is tailored to create an enriching experience and to engage a nice networking evening between people who stand out with their initiatives and experienced entrepreneurs.

Tech for mental wellness

 “What does it take to build a trending app in the mental health space?
✓ Founders with personal experience of mental health struggles and great professional know-how
✓ A partnership with a strong product team
✓ A vision for a product that can change the way we look after our minds.

Our two guests have managed to tick off the entire list. Join Minderful co-founders Dr. Nick Prior, CEO and James Harrop, Creative Director, as they share their story at a fireside chat, followed by a public Q&A session.

Tech for mental wellness

“What does it take to build a trending app in the mental health space?
✓ Founders with personal experience of mental health struggles and great professional know-how
✓ A partnership with a strong product team
✓ A vision for a product that can change the way we look after our minds.

Our two guests have managed to tick off the entire list. Join Minderful co-founders Dr. Nick Prior, CEO and James Harrop, Creative Director, as they share their story at a fireside chat, followed by a public Q&A session.

Information Overload: Dealing with too much data in modern society

We live in a time of information overload in every part of our lives: the news, at work, at university or even in our personal lives in the entertainment sector and our relationships. This workshop aims not at providing the exact tool for you to cope with all of this, because there is no such thing. Instead the aim of the workshop is to understand the current world around us and to develop the mindset necessary to deal with this information without having your mental health suffering under stress.

Information Overload: Dealing with too much data in modern society

We live in a time of information overload in every part of our lives: the news, at work, at university or even in our personal lives in the entertainment sector and our relationships. This workshop aims not at providing the exact tool for you to cope with all of this, because there is no such thing. Instead the aim of the workshop is to understand the current world around us and to develop the mindset necessary to deal with this information without having your mental health suffering under stress.

Market Readiness Level – 15 steps from idea to market

A pragmatic workshop for start-up founders and enthusiasts in which you will find out what are the 15 stept that you will have to go through to ensure that your start-up is ready to enter any market successfully.

Market Readiness Level – 15 steps from idea to market

A pragmatic workshop for start-up founders and enthusiasts in which you will find out what are the 15 stept that you will have to go through to ensure that your start-up is ready to enter any market successfully.

Urban Mobility Innovation Day

🚲🚌🛴 Urban Mobility Innovation Day is an event dedicated to the urban mobility startups that participated in the Urban Mobility Acceleration Program 2022. 👉 It’s a pitching event, during which the startups will showcase their products and for each presentation they will receive feedback.
Register here:
Participate if:
✅ you want to learn more about urban mobility;
✅ you want so see the startup pitches;
✅ you want to learn more about EIT Programs and other opportunities for startups.
This event is powered by Iceberg, Federația Zonelor Metropolitane și a Aglomerațiilor Urbane din România, Spherik Accelerator, EIT Urban Mobility and Activize.
Techsylvania Satellite event!

Urban Mobility Innovation Day

🚲🚌🛴 Urban Mobility Innovation Day is an event dedicated to the urban mobility startups that participated in the Urban Mobility Acceleration Program 2022. 👉 It’s a pitching event, during which the startups will showcase their products and for each presentation they will receive feedback.
Register here:
Participate if:
✅ you want to learn more about urban mobility;
✅ you want so see the startup pitches;
✅ you want to learn more about EIT Programs and other opportunities for startups.
This event is powered by Iceberg, Federația Zonelor Metropolitane și a Aglomerațiilor Urbane din România, Spherik Accelerator, EIT Urban Mobility and Activize.
Techsylvania Satellite event!

Inteligența emoțională în viața de zi cu zi

What’s your opinion about an event where you’re given the chance to speak with experimented people, who are willing to share a slice of their knowledge with you? If you like the idea, then Techsylvania’s satellite event is the place for you. Learn more about Emotional Intelligece from Zoltan Veres, at FSEGA!

Inteligența emoțională în viața de zi cu zi

What’s your opinion about an event where you’re given the chance to speak with experimented people, who are willing to share a slice of their knowledge with you? If you like the idea, then Techsylvania’s satellite event is the place for you. Learn more about Emotional Intelligece from Zoltan Veres, at FSEGA!

Inspiring Stories: Women Leadership in Companies & Startups 

It honors women who have stepped out of their comfort zones to get into business, no matter how big or small.

In Romania, business women continue to thrive in the workplace and their actions have had a notable impact. In 2020, Romania had the highest percentage of women managers among EU states (37%), above the EU average of 33%.

Throughout this event we want to promote women who have succeeded in business, to inspire others to join big companies and startups and to discover their authentic, most effective leadership style in order to increase their influence and impact.

More info here:

Women leadership in companies and startups  

It honors women who have stepped out of their comfort zones to get into business, no matter how big or small.

In Romania, business women continue to thrive in the workplace and their actions have had a notable impact. In 2020, Romania had the highest percentage of women managers among EU states (37%), above the EU average of 33%.

Throughout this event we want to promote women who have succeeded in business, to inspire others to join big companies and startups and to discover their authentic, most effective leadership style in order to increase their influence and impact.

More info here:

Back to the Office? Solution Focused Coaching Approach

The purpose of this event is to present a coaching perspective into one of the latest challenge that organizations and individuals face currently- the way in which people want and are going to work in the future. It is on everyone’s mind and agenda, it’s currently challenging both organizations and their employees. So, as one of the main objectives of professional coaching is to partnership with clients in achieving goals, this intro lab is dedicated to assist participants clarify what represents the way work is organized for themselves and how could coaching perspective might bring value and clarity.

Back to the Office? Solution Focused Coaching Approach

The purpose of this event is to present a coaching perspective into one of the latest challenge that organizations and individuals face currently- the way in which people want and are going to work in the future. It is on everyone’s mind and agenda, it’s currently challenging both organizations and their employees. So, as one of the main objectives of professional coaching is to partnership with clients in achieving goals, this intro lab is dedicated to assist participants clarify what represents the way work is organized for themselves and how could coaching perspective might bring value and clarity.

How to build data protection compliant products

 Data protection compliance is becoming a market or client demand, not only a legal requirement. While most consider it bureaucratic it’s about the design, the security elements and so many other. Either you build an app, a smart chair or a kindergarten, you most probably collect personal data. This workshop is dedicated to people that want to understand how personal data is collected, from whom and how it must be protected, so that the business is compliant with data protection laws, risks are minimized, but most important right to privacy is respected. Attendees can be startup founders, investors, developers, QA, HRs, marketeers or just people that want to understand more about privacy in any type of business. Because Privacy is not a one size fits all, all attendees are required to have a pen and paper to write down information needed to do a short assessment of their business/app/school/department. The workshop cannot provide an answer to all data protection related questions, but it can help anyone understand what is needed for compliance, so that a better planning, an adjustment to the roadmap or just an idea of the implication privacy has. A myth that this workshop will bust is the fact that Data Protection is mandatory under GDPR and there are no risks for your project. Furthermore the workshop aims to educate you if you think you don’t process personal data at your job or you just don’t care about personal data.

How to build data protection compliant products

 Data protection compliance is becoming a market or client demand, not only a legal requirement. While most consider it bureaucratic it’s about the design, the security elements and so many other. Either you build an app, a smart chair or a kindergarten, you most probably collect personal data. This workshop is dedicated to people that want to understand how personal data is collected, from whom and how it must be protected, so that the business is compliant with data protection laws, risks are minimized, but most important right to privacy is respected. Attendees can be startup founders, investors, developers, QA, HRs, marketeers or just people that want to understand more about privacy in any type of business. Because Privacy is not a one size fits all, all attendees are required to have a pen and paper to write down information needed to do a short assessment of their business/app/school/department. The workshop cannot provide an answer to all data protection related questions, but it can help anyone understand what is needed for compliance, so that a better planning, an adjustment to the roadmap or just an idea of the implication privacy has. A myth that this workshop will bust is the fact that Data Protection is mandatory under GDPR and there are no risks for your project. Furthermore the workshop aims to educate you if you think you don’t process personal data at your job or you just don’t care about personal data.

Youth Speak Forum

Youth Speak Forum is an event for young people. Its purpose is to raise awareness and to find solutions for the identified problems. First edition will start with workshops held by our partners. After that we will find some solutions for the community`s problems. Best of those will be implemented by AIESEC and our partners

Youth Speak Forum

Youth Speak Forum is an event for young people. Its purpose is to raise awareness and to find solutions for the identified problems. First edition will start with workshops held by our partners. After that we will find some solutions for the community`s problems. Best of those will be implemented by AIESEC and our partners

Contabilitatea pe înțelesul antreprenorului

 “”Indiferent în ce domeniu activezi cu business-ul tău, pe parcursul activității tale te vei lovi de diverse situații în care vei avea nevoie să știi cum să acționezi.

Iată câteva din aceste situații:

1. Cum să-ți optimizezi taxele și impozitele

2. Cum să faci față unui control de la ANAF

3. Cum să faci față unui control de la forțele de muncă (ITM)

Acestea sunt doar câteva din situațiile în care ești pus să faci față, ca antreprenor. La workshop vom discuta mai multe și vei putea veni și tu cu propriile provocări.

Vino la workshopul “Contabilitate pe înțelesul antreprenorilor” și învață alături de mine:

1. Care sunt principalele documente pe care trebuie să le ai în caz de control ANAF?

2. Care sunt situațiile în care este cel mai probabil să ai control?

3. Care sunt principalele documente pe care trebuie să le ai în caz de control ITM?

4. Câteva metode prin care îți poți optimiza taxele și impozitele pe care le achiți către Stat.

Workshopul este unul intensiv și practic, iar la finalul lui vei reuși să te descurci cu brio în oricare din situațiile menționate mai sus.

Rezervă-ți GRATUIT locul la workshop aici:

Trainer: Claudia Smilar – Fondator și Expert Contabil la Global Solutions Fiscal”

Contabilitatea pe înțelesul antreprenorului

 “”Indiferent în ce domeniu activezi cu business-ul tău, pe parcursul activității tale te vei lovi de diverse situații în care vei avea nevoie să știi cum să acționezi.

Iată câteva din aceste situații:

1. Cum să-ți optimizezi taxele și impozitele

2. Cum să faci față unui control de la ANAF

3. Cum să faci față unui control de la forțele de muncă (ITM)

Acestea sunt doar câteva din situațiile în care ești pus să faci față, ca antreprenor. La workshop vom discuta mai multe și vei putea veni și tu cu propriile provocări.

Vino la workshopul “Contabilitate pe înțelesul antreprenorilor” și învață alături de mine:

1. Care sunt principalele documente pe care trebuie să le ai în caz de control ANAF?

2. Care sunt situațiile în care este cel mai probabil să ai control?

3. Care sunt principalele documente pe care trebuie să le ai în caz de control ITM?

4. Câteva metode prin care îți poți optimiza taxele și impozitele pe care le achiți către Stat.

Workshopul este unul intensiv și practic, iar la finalul lui vei reuși să te descurci cu brio în oricare din situațiile menționate mai sus.

Rezervă-ți GRATUIT locul la workshop aici:

Trainer: Claudia Smilar – Fondator și Expert Contabil la Global Solutions Fiscal”/span>

Where the good ideas come from?

“When was the last time you worked for yourself, for your own dreams? Do you have incredible passions that you are always leaving aside because there is always a more important work project that should be done?
As the summer holiday it is knocking on our door, we prepared an inspiring webinar to help you pluck up your courage and start living by your own terms!

The webinar will include – where to look for ideas, solving real-life problems, transforming one’s hobby into a full-time job.”

Where the good ideas come from?

“When was the last time you worked for yourself, for your own dreams? Do you have incredible passions that you are always leaving aside because there is always a more important work project that should be done?
As the summer holiday it is knocking on our door, we prepared an inspiring webinar to help you pluck up your courage and start living by your own terms!

The webinar will include – where to look for ideas, solving real-life problems, transforming one’s hobby into a full-time job.”


 “This event will enlighten a number of trending topics regarding University, the themes being Hybrid and Online Teaching, Life in Campus and Career Path Opportunities after Graduation. The students will step up and argue their opinions on the discussed subject and the proposals will be kept for analysis. This analysis might have a big impact in future education, using the arguments and ideas into future public positions.


 “This event will enlighten a number of trending topics regarding University, the themes being Hybrid and Online Teaching, Life in Campus and Career Path Opportunities after Graduation. The students will step up and argue their opinions on the discussed subject and the proposals will be kept for analysis. This analysis might have a big impact in future education, using the arguments and ideas into future public positions.

Migrating Large Enterprises to AWS. An Enterprise Software Company Story

“It’s time for an in-person event! Finally!!!

With a great sponsor in a great office: Micro Focus
They will provide their offices, food, and drinks for us.”

Migrating Large Enterprises to AWS. An Enterprise Software Company Story

It’s time for an in-person event! Finally!!!
With a great sponsor in a great office: Micro Focus
They will provide their offices, food, and drinks for us.

Multi Touch Marketing in eCommerce: from tracking to engagement

 “Based on our Multi Touch Marketing Blueprint, we will discuss best practices in creating an integrated digital marketing strategy, choosing the right channel mix for an eCommerce business, implementing and tracking the results correctly. Our event will cover strategy, customer engagement, SEO and the new Google Analytics 4.

The event will take place at ClujHUB, free of charge. All segments will be in Romanian. “.

Multi Touch Marketing in eCommerce: from tracking to engagement

 “Based on our Multi Touch Marketing Blueprint, we will discuss best practices in creating an integrated digital marketing strategy, choosing the right channel mix for an eCommerce business, implementing and tracking the results correctly. Our event will cover strategy, customer engagement, SEO and the new Google Analytics 4.

The event will take place at ClujHUB, free of charge. All segments will be in Romanian. “

Breakfast with investors

“”The keywords for the event are networking and feedback. Selected startups will have the opportunity to pitch their products to members of the T.A.N angel investor community.
This is a great opportunity to test your pitching skills, to see how appealing you are for investors, and get the much-needed feedback to know which
way to go next in order to become investable.””

Breakfast with investors

The keywords for the event are networking and feedback. Selected startups will have the opportunity to pitch their products to members of the T.A.N angel investor community.
This is a great opportunity to test your pitching skills, to see how appealing you are for investors, and get the much-needed feedback to know which
way to go next in order to become investable.

Tech tea time: a group therapy session on working in tech

 Be yourself and share your experiences, learnings and traumas about working in tech — bring your own tea… or coffee

Tech tea time: a group therapy session on working in tech

 Be yourself and share your experiences, learnings and traumas about working in tech — bring your own tea… or coffee

LAUNCHub Office Hours

“Calling all Romanian startups! Sign up for 1:1 session with Todor Breshkov and Rumen Iliev, partners at LAUNCHub Ventures – use this time to ask all your fundraising related questions.
Fill out this form to meet with investors 1 to 1. If you are selected for a meeting you’ll hear directly from the LAUNCHub Ventures’ team with your time slot. Sessions will be held between 9 am and 11 am. Get your coffee ready: early-stage investors are called that for a reason.
1 to 1 time with an investor, 20-minute session.
Fill out this form (allow 5 mins to complete)
If selected, we’ll reach out directly to you
Then you can pick a time slot that works for you”

LAUNCHub Office Hours

“Calling all Romanian startups! Sign up for 1:1 session with Todor Breshkov and Rumen Iliev, partners at LAUNCHub Ventures – use this time to ask all your fundraising related questions.
Fill out this form to meet with investors 1 to 1. If you are selected for a meeting you’ll hear directly from the LAUNCHub Ventures’ team with your time slot. Sessions will be held between 9 am and 11 am. Get your coffee ready: early-stage investors are called that for a reason.
1 to 1 time with an investor, 20-minute session.
Fill out this form (allow 5 mins to complete)
If selected, we’ll reach out directly to you
Then you can pick a time slot that works for you”

Why is Vienna a top place to launch and grow your tech startup?

 “Let’s talk business. Let’s talk Vienna! From Vienna to Global.

Are you considering launching or expanding your business in Europe? Vienna might be the perfect place for you!

Vienna has been voted among the top destinations for European founders for its continuous governmental support going to the entrepreneurial community.

Join us for an online conversation about the startup city Vienna and how we can support your business journey towards Austria.

An event hosted by the representative of Vienna Business Agency in Romania.

Vienna Business Agency is supporting local and international companies in all phases of their business development providing advice on corporate issues, and helping entrepreneurs get up and running in Vienna. Anyone wanting to found a company, startups, sole traders, domestic and international small and medium-sized enterprises or corporations will receive all the information they need. If you’re looking for funding, business premises, an office, free advice or workshops and want to establish new partnerships, then we’re the best people to speak to.”

Why is Vienna a top place to launch and grow your tech startup?

 “Let’s talk business. Let’s talk Vienna! From Vienna to Global.

Are you considering launching or expanding your business in Europe? Vienna might be the perfect place for you!

Vienna has been voted among the top destinations for European founders for its continuous governmental support going to the entrepreneurial community.

Join us for an online conversation about the startup city Vienna and how we can support your business journey towards Austria.

An event hosted by the representative of Vienna Business Agency in Romania.

Vienna Business Agency is supporting local and international companies in all phases of their business development providing advice on corporate issues, and helping entrepreneurs get up and running in Vienna. Anyone wanting to found a company, startups, sole traders, domestic and international small and medium-sized enterprises or corporations will receive all the information they need. If you’re looking for funding, business premises, an office, free advice or workshops and want to establish new partnerships, then we’re the best people to speak to.”/span>


And meet with the world’s leading minds in business & tech